We'll be celebrating the work of one of the 20th century's most iconic artists next week when we throw a fabulous Tribute to Andy Warhol evening. In conjunction with Model Society, we'll be reliving the Pop Art heyday at Mechu on Friday November 26.
To get you in the mood for this spectacular event, here's our favourite facts on the man who famoulsy said we'd all be famous for 15 minutes:Born Andrew Warhola on August 6, 1928, his parents had travelled to America as immigrants from North Eastern Solvakia.
Warhol's first film was called Sleep which, rather bizarrely, was six hours long and featured on man doing exactly that!
In 1964 his painting Thirteen Most Wanted Men had to be painted over because it caused so much offence ... especially amongst the criminal underworld.
The same year, Warhol launched the infamous Factory - a studio he shared with other artists de jour.
In 1968, ardent feminist Valerie Solanas shot and almost killed Warhol.
Warhol produced the first album by chic 60s band Velvet Underground - he was drawn by their dark and often erotic music.
He died on February 22, 1987, following a routine gall bladder operation. Shortly before his death, he had famously said: "I always thought I'd like my own tombstone to be blank. No epitaph, and no name. Well, actually, I'd like it to say 'figment'."
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